8 Sept 2013

Oculus Rift TV Spot removed from Youtube and general thoughts.

By now you've got to have heard about the Oculus Rift at least a couple of times. The extraordinary stereoscopic head mounted display unit that is said to revolutionise gaming and VR in general.
Well it seems their first TV spot got into some trouble, although truth be told I can't quite figure out whether this is actually from an official source or not. Either way it seems to be destined for the internet as I imagine this kind of thing would set America ablaze with Christians burning computers and whatnot should it air on cable TV.

I already made up my mind the other day about the Oculus Rift; I need this thing! More and more developers are becoming interested in the device and their games are getting built-in support for it, my next gaming heroin for example, Star Citizen, is being developed with the Rift in mind from the get go. Hawken is yet another great game just updated to support the Rift, Valve recently updated their Source Engine with Rift support (great video on TF2 btw).
At this point in time I'm pretty convinced that this will be the future of gaming. Having seen quite a bunch of first impression videos with people playing with the Oculus Rift, their reactions totally sell the product. Next month I'm either investing in the Saitek X-65F Combat Control System with accompanying Combat Rudder Pedals, or the amazing Oculus Rift Development Kit. Quite the difficult decision actually, but I've decided that I need both of these awesome peripherals to truly play Star Citizen the way I want. Epic times await in the 'verse.
Without any surprise taxes or whatever nonsense they might push down upon me for ordering something from outside the EU, the Rift will cost me roughly $370, which surprisingly is less than half of what my latest monitor costs. Not too shabby.

That's my thoughts for now.

Catch all you beautiful nerds later.


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